
eczema herpeticum, a serious condition that arises when herpes virus infects eczema-affected skin. Discover symptoms, risks, and steps for prompt treatment

Explore the key distinctions between eczema and psoriasis in our comprehensive guide. Understand symptoms, triggers, and treatments to manage your skin health

Scrotal eczema is usually defined by a question we see frequently: 'why is the skin on my balls peeling'. Find all of the answers here.

Learn about the differences between heat rash and eczema, two common skin conditions that can cause rashes. Find out the causes, symptoms, treatments, and prevention tips for each condition.

Are there Eczema Irritants in your Home? Read to learn about the various irritants that can worsen and trigger eczema symptoms in your home.

Sunburn can turn into sun eczema and skin cancer. When the skin is exposed to the sun for a long time, you get sunburn.

Irritative eczema is an inflammation of skin caused by irritants such as cleaning solvents, detergents, and UV rays. Long term contact with these substances damages the skin’s ability to heal itself upon repeated exposure, even if the irritant is mild.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis can be formed on the scalp and anywhere on the body that as a lot of sebaceous glands (oil glands), including the sternum, armpits and groin. It also causes dandruff and itching.

Dyshidrotic eczema, also known as dyshidrosis, appears as blisters on the hands and feet. The condition is rare and not contagious.
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