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Embarrassing skin issues? There’s an app for that!

First Derm is thrilled to announce that in the last 30 days, our company has been featured by two highly regarded news sites: Forbes.com and TechCrunch.

Today, TechCrunch journalist Sarah Buhr, released an article indicating that First Derm is an incredibly convenient (and completely private) way to ask a dermatologist about embarrassing skin issues. “Without leaving the comfort of your own home,” says Buhr, with First Derm you can get answers to questions about worrisome skin issues. According to First Derm CEO, Dr. Alexander Borve, “approximately 30% of First Derm’s cases are STDs; however, every day we receive interesting cases of all kinds from worried individuals.”

Since few people are happy to strip and show spots on their legs, thighs or um …. more personal areas, an app like this helps users identify possible problems and understand any possible next steps, be it an expedited trip to a local dermatologist or a trip to the local pharmacy for over-the-counter creams. This “below the waist” area is also significant because it’s a common location for skin cancers – especially among women.

Dan Munro, a journalist for Forbes.com, posited that anonymity might be the “secret for success for health apps”. At First Derm, we’ve worked hard to create an app that gets users answers to skin-related questions, connects them to board-certified dermatologists when needed, and assures users of anonymity. We’ve dedicated our lives to finding ways to making health care accessible – when and where people need it most.

First Derm moms find the app particularly useful, as they can often get answers before they’d be able to get an appointment with their child’s doctor. It’s like having a dermatologist in your back pocket (or diaper bag) everywhere you go. This is an app that should be on every mother’s smartphone. Peace of mind is a free download away.

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